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This is free software - free to download and free to use. It is released under the GNU General Public License.

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Although you're not obliged to, I'd appreciate an email if you download DBG/400. If you do like it (or even if you don't), comments, feedback and criticism (constructive, that is ;-) ) would be helpful in improving the quality/functionality of the package.

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RPG compiler support - if you don't have CRTRPGPGM & CRTBNDRPG on your system, then the source distribution won't do you much good :-( If it is a problem (ISTR RPG being dropped as a free package from V4R3/4 installations - is that correct?) I might be able to make a save file available for download.

SQL support - DBG Links make use of Query Management Queries (QMQRY) for SQL functionality. As far as I know, this comes free with OS/400, so the presence of interactive SQL (STRSQL) or RPG embedded SQL isn't necessary.

Although the bulk of the code was developed at V4R3 (or earlier), I finished it off under V4R4. I have compiled back to TGTRLS(V4R2M0) and it all seems to work okay, but obviously I'm not running it under that release. Again, if it's a problem, either let me know, or have a go at fixing it yourself - and send me the patches :-)

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The full code is distributed in just two files. SRCPARSER.MBR is CL code that creates all the required source physical files in the the DBG400 library then unpacks ALLSRCMBRS.MBR into their individual source members. As a number of my utilities use the same two file installation system, these instructions are fairly generic. Just compile and run the appropriate MAKExxx CL program to build the packages. The page for each tool will tell you the specific name of the MAKExxx program. To install DBG/400 (version 1.02) do the following:

Here in your browser

  • Download the DBG/400 code in a *nix format tarball or a Windows zipfile. If you're installing another package then you should get the file listed on that utilities page instead.

On your AS/400

Do this if it's a first time install of DBG/400. Reinstallation or additional utilities can reuse the same library & file created here.

  • Create a library called DBG400.
  • Create an 112 length source physical file in DBG400 called DBGSRCFILE - CRTSRCPF FILE(DBG400/DBGSRCFILE) RCDLEN(112)

On your PC

  • Unpack the archive you downloaded. Note to Windows users - I recommend using Winzip at www.winzip.com which, like the tools in GNU/Linux, can handle both .tar.gz and .zip files fine. In GNU/Linux, tar zxvf DBG400.tar.gz should do the job.
  • Open a terminal session or MS-DOS box and cd into the dbg400 directory just created.
  • Start an ftp session to your AS/400 --- ftp myas400
  • Login as a profile that has full authority to your newly created library & source file.
  • Set the naming convention to '1' IFS format --- quote site namefmt 1
  • Change remote directory to the DBGSRCFILE file --- cd /QSYS.LIB/DBG400.LIB/DBGSRCFILE.FILE
  • Upload the parser code --- mput SRCPARSER.MBR
  • Upload the file with the joined member sources --- mput ALLSRCMBRS.MBR
  • Logout of ftp --- quit

Back to your AS/400

  • Add DBG400 to your library list, at the top, but after QTEMP --- ADDLIBLE LIB(DBG400) POSITION(*AFTER QTEMP)
  • Use PDM to get to DBG400, then take option 12 against DBGSRCFILE --- WRKOBJPDM DBG400
  • Have a look at member SRCPARSER and satisfy yourself it isn't going to doing anything nasty :-)
  • Change the source type of SRCPARSER to CLP --- option 13
  • Compile it --- CRTCLPGM PGM(DBG400/SRCPARSER) SRCFILE(DBG400/DBGSRCFILE) --- or option 14
  • Call (or submit a call) to SRCPARSER --- CALL PGM(SRCPARSER)
  • Back to DBG400 library and refresh to see the new source files, work with QCLSRC, and look through member MAKEDBG until you're happy :-)
  • If you want to compile everything into the DBG400 library, then go to the next step, otherwise edit member MAKEDBG and change the value of &LIBRARY to whatever library (which must exist) you require. If you're doing this, watch out for name conflicts. Almost all objects start with DBG, apart from the commands, and the tools used to build the package. See the member list for details.
  • Compile then run MAKEDBG. --- CALL PGM(MAKEDBG) ---This will then submit itself to batch for the create process.
  • Wait a while (even on our 730 this takes a good five minutes).
  • When complete, type DBG and have fun :-)
  • DBG400 should be in your library list to run the tools, but at the bottom will do fine. If you've merged it with an existing library, then that's fine.
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There purposely isn't any fancy error trapping in the installation routine. If SRCPARSER doesn't compile, or compiles but doesn't run without errors, check the job log. If MAKEDBG doesn't compile or run, ditto. MAKEDBG clears out all *about-to-be-created* objects from the object library (DBG400 by default) prior to any creates, so it should be okay to restart once any problems have been rectified. I've run this on our two, near identical, AS/400s, as well as NetShare's box, and it works fine for me.

If you downloaded DBG/400 prior to 7/8/00 (version 1.00 or 1.01) then you might want to refresh your installation. See the updates page for details. You can upgrade just the changed program, DBG108R4, as a zip or a tarballYou can delete the file DBGDEP01 as it's no longer used.

If you downloaded DBG/400 prior to 21/7/00, then there might be an authority problem when compiling/running DBG105R4. The program originally used one of the system xref files (QSYS/QADBIFLD) which may prevent access (it's readable by all on one of our boxes, but not the other, for some reason). The latest version of DBG/400 uses APIs in this program, so either download the package again, or just update the program code. You can download the DBG105R4 member in zip or tarball format.

Unpack the DBG105R4.MBR from the archive and ftp it to QSYS.LIB/DBG400.LIB/QRPGLESRC.FILE (along the lines of the main install). With DBG400 in you library list, compile it as below


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