Run Program Trace/Print Program Trace


Tracks all executed statements when a program is run, and prints an indented listing of the source showing how many times each line has been run. Only works on Original Program Model (OPM) programs - RPG38 & RPG400. It will also work for CL38 & CL programs, but just a straight listing (no indentation). Given that most places have moved to ILE RPG in some form or other, this utility may have had its day, but if you can make use of it, so much the better smile

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zip (19kb)

This is packaged in Craig Rutledge's XMLGEN xml installer. See installation instructions for details.

This topic: DBG400 > WebHome > RunPgmTrc
Topic revision: r2 - 18 Aug 2009 - 22:23:49 - MartinRowe
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