UNDEL2 - Undelete records from an iSeries file

User state UNDEL2 (2.0.4) utility available

Dave McKenzie has released a new version of his UNDEL utility:

The user state version (called UNDEL2) of my UNDEL record-undelete
utility is available.

This version was necessitated by IBM's recent announcement that system
state programs would be disallowed in some future OS/400 release.

UNDEL2 is slower than UNDEL because it copies records to a temporary
physical, saves that to a save file, copies that to a 528-byte physical
and reads that (puff puff!), but it's still fairly quick.

It's written in ILE RPG and CL (no MI) and source is included.  It's in
the public domain, so anyone can do whatever they want with it.

He has given the OK for it to be available from here - Thanks, Dave smile

UPDATED Dave has released a new version of UNDEL2 (2.0.4).

See his WRKDBF & V5R4 posting over on midrange.com for details on the previous 2.0.3 release

  • undel2.zip: UNDEL2 (2.0.4) - user state version of UNDEL utility
Topic revision: r4 - 19 Nov 2007 - 07:41:57 - MartinRowe
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