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Reciprocal links

These are all sites that have kindly included links to here

iSeries Open Source

The following site all offer Open Source/Free software. If I can determine the license used, that's shown in brackets, otherwise have a look for yourself. If you know of any other Open Source iSeries project (or if you run one yourself), please let me know so I can include a link here.

AS/400 Resources - Links, Services, Binary downloads, etc.

  • @riadne Software and their excellent CoolSpools400 spooled file conversion tool. It's a commercial product but reasonably priced and comes with a big array of functions. The home page is and I've put together a mini review . We use their Communique email software as well; great stuff. Now at version 5 and even better value for money.

Software Credits

  • All the screenshots and graphics I've used here are courtesy of The Gimp There is a Windows port too.
  • The AS/400 terminal emulation seen in the screenshots is either tn5250 or more recently James Rich's excellent x5250, based on tn5250. James has also contributed a very thorough tn5250 HOWTO.
  • I use the Blackbox window manager Blackbox window manager, now at version 0.70 on my Debian systems, or Gnome on my Ubuntu boxes.
  • The static web pages were created with Vim. TWiki pages are edited directly, or in Vim using the Mozex extension in Firefox.


-- MartinRowe - 11 May 2005
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Topic revision: r3 - 10 Aug 2005 - 22:09:36 - MartinRowe
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