      * DBG100R4: Edit database generation links
      * Copyright (C) 2000  Martin Rowe   <martin@dbg400.net>
      * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
      * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
      * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
      * (at your option) any later version.
      * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
      * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
      * GNU General Public License for more details.
      * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
      * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
      * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
      * Indicator usage
      *     Screen function keys
      *  03 (F3) Exit (all screens)
      *  05 (F5) Refresh - rebuild SQL statement from sorce & target files
      *  06 (F6) Add link - add a new database generation link
      *  27 - ROLLUP
      *  28 - ROLLDOWN
      *     Subfile control inds
      *       Main subfile (SFL1)
      *  35 - SFLEND
      *  36 - SFLDSP
      * N36 - SFLCLR
      *     Screen error/dspatr inds
      *     File access inds
      *  80  81  82  83
      *     Error ind (for calls)
      *  90
      * FILES:
      * Database Generation links
     FDBGDGL00  UF A E           K DISK
      * Display screen
     FDBG100DF  CF   E             WORKSTN
     F                                     SFILE(SFL1:RRN)
      * Program name
     D                SDS
     D SDS#PGM                       10
     D SDS#Parms              37     39  0
      * WORK FIELDS:
     D K#SeqN          S                   LIKE(DGLSEQ)
     D K#SrcF          S                   LIKE(DGLSRC)
     D K#TgtF          S                   LIKE(DGLTGT)
     D Len             S              3  0
     D P#CmdString     S            256
     D P#CmdLength     S             15  5
     D P#DocFile       S             20    INZ('DBGSQLD1  *LIBL')
     D P#DocMode       S              4
     D P#Document      S             10
     D P#ErrorID       S              7
     D P#Field         S             10
     D P#File          S             10
     D P#MsgData       S            512
     D P#MsgDtaLn      S              5  0
     D P#MsgFile       S             10
     D P#MsgfLib       S             10
     D P#MsgID         S              7
     D P#MsgType       S             10
     D P#Pgm           S             10
     D P#PgmQueue      S             10
     D P#PgmStack      S              5  0
     D P#Return        S              7
     D P#Sequence      S                   LIKE(DGLSEQ)
     D P#Source        S                   LIKE(DGLSRC)
     D P#Target        S                   LIKE(DGLTGT)
     D P#Text          S                   LIKE(DGLTXT)
     D Repeat          S              1
     D Rrn             S              4  0
      * CONSTANTS:
     D Text1           C                   CONST('SELECT * FROM ')
     D Text2           C                   CONST(' T1 WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * -
     D                                     FROM ')
     D Text3           C                   CONST(' T2 WHERE')
     C     *ENTRY        PLIST
     C                   PARM                    P#Target
     C                   PARM                    P#Source
     C                   PARM                    P#Sequence
     C                   PARM                    P#Text
     C                   PARM                    P#Return
      * KEY LISTS:
     C     LinkKey       KLIST
     C                   KFLD                    DGLTGT
     C                   KFLD                    DGLSRC
     C                   KFLD                    DGLSEQ
     C     #LinkKey      KLIST
     C                   KFLD                    K#TgtF
     C                   KFLD                    K#SrcF
     C                   KFLD                    K#SeqN
     C     W#LinkKey     KLIST
     C                   KFLD                    W#TGTF
     C                   KFLD                    W#SRCF
     C                   KFLD                    W#SEQN
      * MAINLINE:
     C     *DTAARA       DEFINE    DBGCOMP       COMPNY
     C                   IN        COMPNY
      * If parameters passed in, then pgm used in select mode, so position display for input parms
B001 C                   IF        SDS#Parms > 0
     C                   EVAL      DGLTGT = P#Target
     C                   EVAL      DGLSRC = P#Source
     C                   EVAL      DGLSEQ = P#Sequence
E001 C                   ENDIF
     C     LinkKey       SETLL     DBGDGL00
      * Build first page
     C                   EXSR      PAGEUP
      * Main Screen  display loop
B001 C                   DOW       *IN03 = *off
      * Only display subfile if records to show
     C                   EVAL      *IN36 = Rrn > 0
      * Display command key text
     C                   WRITE     FOOTER1
     C                   WRITE     MSFLC                                        MSG SUBFILE
     C                   EXFMT     SFLCTL1
     C                   CALL      'DBG045CL'                           90      REMOVE MSGS
      * Process response
B002 C                   SELECT
      * F1/Help pressed
S002 C                   WHEN      *IN01 = *on
      * Call the Helptext Viewer
     C                   CALL      'DBG010R4'                           90      Trap errors
     C                   PARM      SDS#PGM       P#Pgm
      * F3=Exit
S002 C                   WHEN      *IN03 = *on
      * If parameters passed in, then pgm used in select mode
B003 C                   IF        SDS#Parms > 0
      * Set exit parameters & leave the program
     C                   EVAL      P#Return = '*CANCEL'
E003 C                   ENDIF
     C                   GOTO      ENDPGM
      * F12=Previous
S002 C                   WHEN      *IN12 = *on
      * If parameters passed in, then pgm used in select mode
B003 C                   IF        SDS#Parms > 0
      * Set exit parameters & leave the program
     C                   EVAL      P#Return = '*CANCEL'
E003 C                   ENDIF
     C                   GOTO      ENDPGM
      * Positioning request
S002 C                   WHEN      POSSRC <> *blanks
     C                   EXSR      POSITION
      * Rollup
S002 C                   WHEN      *IN27 = *on
     C                   EXSR      PAGEUP
      * Rolldown
S002 C                   WHEN      *IN28 = *on
     C                   EXSR      PAGEDOWN
      * F6=Add link
S002 C                   WHEN      *IN06 = *on
     C                   EXSR      ADDLINK
      * Otherwise check for subfile record requests
S002 C                   OTHER
      * Only process if subfile records to work with
B003 C                   IF        Rrn > 0
     C                   READC     SFL1                                   81
      * Do while more selected records
B004 C                   DOW       *IN81 = *off
B005 C                   SELECT
      * 1=Select
S005 C                   WHEN      #SEL = '1'
      * If parameters passed in, then pgm used in select mode
B006 C                   IF        SDS#Parms > 0
      * Set exit parameters & leave the program
     C                   EVAL      P#Target = S#TGTF
     C                   EVAL      P#Source = S#SRCF
     C                   EVAL      P#Sequence = S#SEQN
     C                   EVAL      P#Text = S#TEXT
     C                   EVAL      P#Return = '*SELECT'
     C                   GOTO      ENDPGM
E006 C                   ENDIF
      * 2=Change
S005 C                   WHEN      #SEL = '2'
B006 C                   IF        S#SEQN <> 0
     C                   EXSR      CHANGELINK
E006 C                   ENDIF
      * 3=Copy
S005 C                   WHEN      #SEL = '3'
B006 C                   IF        S#SEQN <> 0
     C                   EXSR      COPYLINK
E006 C                   ENDIF
      * 4=Delete
S005 C                   WHEN      #SEL = '4'
B006 C                   IF        S#SEQN <> 0
     C                   EXSR      DELETELINK
E006 C                   ENDIF
      * 5=View
S005 C                   WHEN      #SEL = '5'
     C                   EXSR      VIEWLINK
E005 C                   ENDSL
      * Next selected record
     C                   READC     SFL1                                   81
E004 C                   ENDDO
E003 C                   ENDIF
E002 C                   ENDSL
      * Reload subfile
     C                   EVAL      *IN35 = *off                                 SFLEND
     C     #LinkKey      SETLL     DBGDGL00
     C                   EXSR      PAGEUP
E001 C                   ENDDO
      *  Time to go...
     C     ENDPGM        TAG
      *    ======        ===
     C                   EVAL      *INLR = *on
     C                   RETURN
     C     PAGEUP        BEGSR
      * If not at SFLEND
B001 C                   IF        *IN35 = *off
      * Reset the relative record number & clear the subfile
     C                   EVAL      Rrn = 0
     C                   MOVE      ' '           #SEL
     C                   EVAL      *IN36 = *off
     C                   WRITE     SFLCTL1
      * Load a page of entries
B002 C                   DO        16
     C                   READ (N)  DBGDGL00                               82
      * If record found
B003 C                   IF        *IN82 = *off
     C                   EVAL      S#SRCF = DGLSRC
     C                   EVAL      S#TGTF = DGLTGT
     C                   EVAL      S#TEXT = DGLTXT
     C                   EVAL      S#SEQN = DGLSEQ
     C                   EVAL      H#SQLR = DGLSQL
      * Add this record to the subfile
     C                   EVAL      Rrn = Rrn + 1
     C                   WRITE     SFL1
      * Store first subfile record values for roll down key positioning
B004 C                   IF        Rrn = 1
     C                   EVAL      K#SrcF = DGLSRC
     C                   EVAL      K#TgtF = DGLTGT
     C                   EVAL      K#SeqN = DGLSEQ
E004 C                   ENDIF
      * Otherwise we've hit the end of the file
X003 C                   ELSE
     C                   EVAL      *IN35 = *on                                  SFLEND
E003 C                   ENDIF
E002 C                   ENDDO
      *  If not SFLEND
B002 C                   IF        *IN35 = *off
      *  Check ahead to see if there will be any more rcds next roll up - if
      *  not then set SFLEND
     C     LinkKey       SETGT     DBGDGL00                           35
E002 C                   ENDIF
E001 C                   ENDIF
     C                   ENDSR
     C     PAGEDOWN      BEGSR
     C                   EVAL      *IN35 = *off                                 SFLEND
      *  Position file to first record on displayed page
     C     #LinkKey      SETLL     DBGDGL00
      *  Set the key values for next roll up if case no previous rcds found
     C                   EVAL      DGLSRC = K#SrcF
     C                   EVAL      DGLTGT = K#TgtF
     C                   EVAL      DGLSEQ = K#SeqN
      *  Read back to equivalent of top of previous page
B001 C                   DO        17
     C                   READP (N) DBGDGL00                               82
      *  If less than 'the page + a rcd' rcds exist, reset pointer to last read
B002 C                   IF        *IN82 = *on
     C     LinkKey       SETLL     DBGDGL00
     C                   LEAVE
E002 C                   ENDIF
E001 C                   ENDDO
      *  Rebuild the page from current point
     C                   EXSR      PAGEUP
     C                   ENDSR
      * POSITION: Reposition subfile to entered value
     C     POSITION      BEGSR
     C                   EVAL      *IN35 = *off                                 SFLEND
     C     POSSRC        SETLL     DBGDGL00
     C                   EXSR      PAGEUP
      *  Reset screen fields for next time
     C                   EVAL      POSSRC = *blanks
     C                   ENDSR
      * ADDLINK: Add database link
     C     ADDLINK       BEGSR
     C                   EVAL      W#SRCF = *blanks
     C                   EVAL      W#TGTF = *blanks
     C                   EVAL      W#SQLR = *blanks
     C                   EVAL      W#TEXT = *blanks
     C                   EVAL      W#SEQN = 0
B001 C                   DOU       Repeat = *off
     C                   WRITE     MSFLC                                        MSG SUBFILE
     C                   EXFMT     WINDOW1
     C                   CALL      'DBG045CL'                           90      REMOVE MSGS
     C                   EVAL      Repeat = *off
B002 C                   SELECT
      * F1/Help pressed
S002 C                   WHEN      *IN01 = *on
      * Call the Helptext Viewer
     C                   CALL      'DBG010R4'                           90      Trap errors
     C                   PARM      SDS#PGM       P#Pgm
     C                   EVAL      Repeat = *on
      * F12=Previous
S002 C                   WHEN      *IN12
     C                   LEAVE
      * F5=Refresh
S002 C                   WHEN      *IN05
      * Rebuild the SQL statement
     C                   EVAL      W#SQLR = Text1 + %TRIM(W#TGTF)
     C                             + Text2 + %TRIM(W#SRCF) + Text3
      * Put cursor at end of generated statement
     C                   EXSR      SetCursor
     C                   EVAL      Repeat = *on
      * Target file not defined
S002 C                   WHEN      W#TGTF = *blanks
     C                   EVAL      P#MsgID = 'MIT0074'
     C                   EVAL      P#MsgData = *blanks
     C                   EVAL      P#MsgDtaLn = 0
     C                   EVAL      P#PgmStack = 0
     C                   EVAL      P#MsgType = '*INFO'
     C                   EVAL      Repeat = *on
      * F7=Select Target field
S002 C                   WHEN      *IN07
     C                   EXSR      GetTgtFld
     C                   EVAL      Repeat = *on
      * F8=Select Control field
S002 C                   WHEN      *IN08
     C                   EXSR      GetCtlFld
     C                   EVAL      Repeat = *on
E002 C                   ENDSL
E001 C                   ENDDO
B001 C                   IF        NOT *IN12
B002 C                   DOU       NOT *IN83
     C                   EVAL      W#SEQN = W#SEQN + 1
     C     W#LinkKey     SETLL     DBGDGL00                               83
E002 C                   ENDDO
B002 C                   IF        NOT *IN83
     C                   EVAL      DGLSRC = W#SRCF
     C                   EVAL      DGLTGT = W#TGTF
     C                   EVAL      DGLSQL = W#SQLR
     C                   EVAL      DGLSEQ = W#SEQN
     C                   EVAL      DGLTXT = W#TEXT
     C                   WRITE     PFDGL
X002 C                   ELSE
     C                   EVAL      P#MsgID = 'MIT0070'
     C                   EVAL      P#MsgData = W#SRCF + W#TGTF
     C                   EVAL      P#MsgDtaLn = 20
     C                   EVAL      P#PgmStack = 0
     C                   EVAL      P#MsgType = '*INFO'
     C                   EXSR      SNDMSG
E002 C                   ENDIF
E001 C                   ENDIF
     C                   ENDSR
      * CHANGELINK: Change database link
      * Only process links, not scripts
B001 C                   IF        S#TGTF <> *blanks
     C                   EVAL      W#SRCF = S#SRCF
     C                   EVAL      W#TGTF = S#TGTF
     C                   EVAL      W#SQLR = H#SQLR
     C                   EVAL      W#TEXT = S#TEXT
     C                   EVAL      W#SEQN = S#SEQN
B002 C                   DOU       Repeat = *off
     C                   WRITE     MSFLC                                        MSG SUBFILE
     C                   EXFMT     WINDOW2
     C                   CALL      'DBG045CL'                           90      REMOVE MSGS
     C                   EVAL      Repeat = *off
B003 C                   SELECT
      * F1/Help pressed
S003 C                   WHEN      *IN01 = *on
      * Call the Helptext Viewer
     C                   CALL      'DBG010R4'                           90      Trap errors
     C                   PARM      SDS#PGM       P#Pgm
     C                   EVAL      Repeat = *on
      * F12=Previous
S003 C                   WHEN      *IN12
     C                   LEAVE
      * F5=Refresh
S003 C                   WHEN      *IN05
      * Rebuild the SQL statement
     C                   EVAL      W#SQLR = Text1 + %TRIM(W#TGTF)
     C                             + Text2 + %TRIM(W#SRCF) + Text3
      * Put cursor at end of generated statement
     C                   EXSR      SetCursor
     C                   EVAL      Repeat = *on
      * F7=Select Target field
S003 C                   WHEN      *IN07
     C                   EXSR      GetTgtFld
     C                   EVAL      Repeat = *on
      * F8=Select Control field
S003 C                   WHEN      *IN08
     C                   EXSR      GetCtlFld
     C                   EVAL      Repeat = *on
E003 C                   ENDSL
E002 C                   ENDDO
B002 C                   IF        NOT *IN12
     C     W#LinkKey     CHAIN     DBGDGL00                           83
B003 C                   IF        NOT *IN83
     C                   EVAL      DGLSRC = W#SRCF
     C                   EVAL      DGLTGT = W#TGTF
     C                   EVAL      DGLSQL = W#SQLR
     C                   EVAL      DGLSEQ = W#SEQN
     C                   EVAL      DGLTXT = W#TEXT
     C                   UPDATE    PFDGL
E003 C                   ENDIF
E002 C                   ENDIF
E001 C                   ENDIF
     C                   ENDSR
      * COPYLINK: Copy database link
     C     COPYLINK      BEGSR
      * Only process links, not scripts
B001 C                   IF        S#TGTF <> *blanks
     C                   EVAL      W#SRCF = S#SRCF
     C                   EVAL      W#TGTF = S#TGTF
     C                   EVAL      W#SQLR = H#SQLR
     C                   EVAL      W#TEXT = S#TEXT
     C                   EVAL      W#SEQN = 0
B002 C                   DOU       Repeat = *off
     C                   WRITE     MSFLC                                        MSG SUBFILE
     C                   EXFMT     WINDOW1
     C                   CALL      'DBG045CL'                           90      REMOVE MSGS
     C                   EVAL      Repeat = *off
B003 C                   SELECT
      * F1/Help pressed
S003 C                   WHEN      *IN01 = *on
      * Call the Helptext Viewer
     C                   CALL      'DBG010R4'                           90      Trap errors
     C                   PARM      SDS#PGM       P#Pgm
     C                   EVAL      Repeat = *off
      * F12=Previous
S003 C                   WHEN      *IN12
     C                   LEAVE
      * F5=Refresh
S003 C                   WHEN      *IN05
      * Rebuild the SQL statement
     C                   EVAL      W#SQLR = Text1 + %TRIM(W#TGTF)
     C                             + Text2 + %TRIM(W#SRCF) + Text3
      * Put cursor at end of generated statement
     C                   EXSR      SetCursor
     C                   EVAL      Repeat = *on
      * F7=Select Target field
S003 C                   WHEN      *IN07
     C                   EXSR      GetTgtFld
     C                   EVAL      Repeat = *on
      * F8=Select Control field
S003 C                   WHEN      *IN08
     C                   EXSR      GetCtlFld
     C                   EVAL      Repeat = *on
E003 C                   ENDSL
E002 C                   ENDDO
B002 C                   IF        NOT *IN12
B003 C                   DOU       NOT *IN83
     C                   EVAL      W#SEQN = W#SEQN + 1
     C     W#LinkKey     SETLL     DBGDGL00                               83
E003 C                   ENDDO
B003 C                   IF        NOT *IN83
     C                   EVAL      DGLSRC = W#SRCF
     C                   EVAL      DGLTGT = W#TGTF
     C                   EVAL      DGLSQL = W#SQLR
     C                   EVAL      DGLSEQ = W#SEQN
     C                   EVAL      DGLTXT = W#TEXT
     C                   WRITE     PFDGL
X003 C                   ELSE
     C                   EVAL      P#MsgID = 'MIT0070'
     C                   EVAL      P#MsgData = W#SRCF + W#TGTF
     C                   EVAL      P#MsgDtaLn = 20
     C                   EVAL      P#PgmStack = 0
     C                   EVAL      P#MsgType = '*INFO'
     C                   EXSR      SNDMSG
E003 C                   ENDIF
E002 C                   ENDIF
E001 C                   ENDIF
     C                   ENDSR
      * DELETELINK: Delete database link
      * Only process links, not scripts
B001 C                   IF        S#TGTF <> *blanks
     C                   EVAL      W#SRCF = S#SRCF
     C                   EVAL      W#TGTF = S#TGTF
     C                   EVAL      W#SQLR = H#SQLR
     C                   EVAL      W#TEXT = S#TEXT
     C                   EVAL      W#SEQN = S#SEQN
     C                   EVAL      W#TITLE = 'Delete Link'
B002 C                   DOU       NOT *IN01
     C                   EXFMT     WINDOW3
B003 C                   SELECT
      * F1/Help pressed
S003 C                   WHEN      *IN01 = *on
      * Call the Helptext Viewer
     C                   CALL      'DBG010R4'                           90      Trap errors
     C                   PARM      SDS#PGM       P#Pgm
      * F12=Previous
S003 C                   WHEN      *IN12
     C                   LEAVE
E003 C                   ENDSL
E002 C                   ENDDO
B002 C                   IF        NOT *IN12
     C     W#LinkKey     DELETE    PFDGL                              83
E002 C                   ENDIF
E001 C                   ENDIF
     C                   ENDSR
      * VIEWLINK: View database link
     C     VIEWLINK      BEGSR
      * If this is an actual link (rather than a script entry)
B001 C                   IF        S#SEQN <> 0
     C                   EVAL      W#SRCF = S#SRCF
     C                   EVAL      W#TGTF = S#TGTF
     C                   EVAL      W#SQLR = H#SQLR
     C                   EVAL      W#TEXT = S#TEXT
     C                   EVAL      W#SEQN = S#SEQN
     C                   EVAL      W#TITLE = 'Display Link'
B002 C                   DOU       NOT *IN01
     C                   EXFMT     WINDOW3
B003 C                   SELECT
      * F1/Help pressed
S003 C                   WHEN      *IN01 = *on
      * Call the Helptext Viewer
     C                   CALL      'DBG010R4'                           90      Trap errors
     C                   PARM      SDS#PGM       P#Pgm
      * F12=Previous
S003 C                   WHEN      *IN12
     C                   LEAVE
E003 C                   ENDSL
E002 C                   ENDDO
      * Otherwise display the script document
X001 C                   ELSE
     C                   CALL      'DBG005CL'                           90
     C                   PARM                    P#DocFile
     C                   PARM      S#TGTF        P#Document
     C                   PARM      '*DSP'        P#DocMode
E001 C                   ENDIF
     C                   ENDSR
      * SetCursor: Set cursor to end of SQL statement
     C     SetCursor     BEGSR
     C                   EVAL      Len = %LEN(%TRIM(W#SQLR))
     C     Len           DIV       50            CSRROW
     C                   MVR                     CSRCOL
     C                   EVAL      CSRCOL = CSRCOL + 2
     C                   ADD       5             CSRROW
     C                   ENDSR
      * GetTgtFld: Get Target file field, and add it to SQL statement
     C     GetTgtFld     BEGSR
     C                   CALL      'DBG105CL'
     C                   PARM      W#TGTF        P#File
     C                   PARM      ' '           P#Field
      * If field selected, add it at the end of the statement, and put the cursor after it
B001 C                   IF        P#Field <> *blanks
     C                   EVAL      W#SQLR = %TRIM(W#SQLR) + ' T1.' + P#Field
     C                   EXSR      SetCursor
E001 C                   ENDIF
     C                   ENDSR
      * GetCtlFld: Get Control file field, and add it to SQL statement
     C     GetCtlFld     BEGSR
     C                   CALL      'DBG105CL'
     C                   PARM      W#SRCF        P#File
     C                   PARM      ' '           P#Field
      * If field selected, add it at the end of the statement, and put the cursor after it
B001 C                   IF        P#Field <> *blanks
     C                   EVAL      W#SQLR = %TRIM(W#SQLR) + ' T2.' + P#Field
     C                   EXSR      SetCursor
E001 C                   ENDIF
     C                   ENDSR
     C     SNDMSG        BEGSR
      *  Use in-house utility (via system API 'QMHSNDPM')
     C                   CALL      'DBG044R3'
     C                   PARM                    P#MsgID
     C                   PARM      'DBGMSGF   '  P#MsgFile
     C                   PARM      '*LIBL     '  P#MsgfLib
     C                   PARM                    P#MsgData
     C                   PARM                    P#MsgDtaLn
     C                   PARM                    P#MsgType
     C                   PARM      SDS#PGM       P#PgmQueue
     C                   PARM                    P#PgmStack
     C                   PARM      '       '     P#ErrorID
     C                   ENDSR
Topic revision: r1 - 26 May 2005 - 19:18:21 - MartinRowe
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